9/10 Denpa Teki Na Kanojo

The anime (2 ep OVA) mostly revolves around 2 characters, Jun and Ame. It starts out with a classmate's rape, and the plot is about a killer around their area, they realize it's 2 people when one of their classmates die and Ame followed the killers pattern. It gets a ton of points because I have brain damage and most animes do not keep me interested

Super spoilers

It starts out with a classmate's rape, and at the end it reveals it was Miya who was the raped victim, and the murderer who was the rapist. Miya says after he raped her, he threatened whoever did it, that he forgets 'bad things' so we can assume he has some sort of mental unwellness. She was just as twisted as him (? or perhaps the traumatic experience drove her insane) as she continued to work with him and help him kill victims. She helped spread photos of her dead classmate, etc. Jun, at the end gets stabbed by Miya, hoping for a reaction, but he holds her.